Thursday, 1 October 2009

A blog award

I got this award from the lovely DJ The "Your Blog is Fabulous!" Award stands for: Integrity. Commitment to Excellence. Stubbornly Optimistic.The Rules:List five current obsessions: (What, only five?)

[I seem to have lost the award somewhere in the ether, never been very good with technical things, oh well it's the thought that counts. If you want to see what it looks like pop over to DJ's blog.]

My current obessions in no particular order are:

The Builders, if they don't finish soon they will probably take up residence. They started in Feb and should have finished in April, enough said. It's just as well they are nice people otherwise I would have buried them in their own concrete by now.

The mini-race with JJ this has really got me back at my desk. I am a very competitive person and I just hate losing, so watch out JJ.

Running. I run 5 times a week and get very grouchy if I don't get my regular fix. I have been running since I saw the first London Marathon and decided I wanted to do that. I competed in and finished the Race in 1989. I won't say how long it took me!!

Cooking. I just love cooking, I make my own sausages, bacon, ham etc. Plus all sorts of pies and pastries. When I've got my new kitchen up and running I shall be in seventh heaven.

Reading. Never without atleast two books on the go, and have the luxury of a decent TBR pile at the moment, so lots of choice.


Jenny Beattie said...

Fab answers Sheepish.

I must say, I'm struck suddenly with an attack of nerves. I am so not competitive (well only a bit) but anyone who's run a marathon makes me very frightened indeed!

Word verification is weewormi. Awwww.

DJ Kirkby said...

Great answers. Home made sausages? Yummy! Running 5 times a week? impressive! I've done exactly zero writing this week. Best try and get some done now.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I love your answers.

I even dream of running - and not in the scared escaping way either - but never do so. I really should have a go at it some time.