Sunday 4 October 2009

Sunday word count no. 4

Where does the time go ,it's Sunday already and I am hoping for another win over JJ I had a slow start to the week but then got on a bit of a roll when I saw JJ spending valuable writing time shopping, again!!!!

So a bit of a drum roll for a magnificent 3900 words this week. Beat that Bangkok tea drinker!!!


Jenny Beattie said...

Oh sheeps bottoms, you've beaten me again. A fine word count, oh woolly one; I bow down to you. (And curse you a little bit under my breath.)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Great word count. Wish I could say the same.

Lane Mathias said...

That is truly magnificent!:-)

DJ Kirkby said...

Ooooh well done, impressive!