Sunday 27 September 2009

Sunday word count and Village fete

Well I've just about managed to beat JJ this week, but only just. I have written 3100 words so have fallen 400 short of my weekly target. I could blame the fact that we are spending several hours every day putting up HUGE sheets of plasterboard, getting covered in the stuff I use to stick the boards to the walls and ending up looking like Mr Pastry[who is he you are probably wondering, but I am not going to show my age by telling you] or that it's our village fete which lasts for three days and involves live music in the square every evening starting at 10.30pm and going on til 2 or 3am !!!!! But to be perfectly honest I got a bit bogged down with some research.
So next week I will have to keep my head down and try and do better.
Still it's good to be a winner again and I understand that JJ has another busy week coming up, oh dear [smirks quietly] of course she could be trying to lull me into a false sense of security.
So another evening of dancing and music then back to the grindstone tomorrow.


Jenny Beattie said...

Oh, you winning one, you shall never know the truth...

Well done for winning this week. I think it's my turn again next week. Keep hauling that plaster board about...

Caroline said...

Ooooh - Well done you! And your smirking made me smile :)I think JJ will go for it next week... ooooh I am loving these exciting times (I need to get out more, don't I?)

Keep going! Raa-raa-rarrrr! x