Sunday 25 October 2009

Sunday word count 7

Well another week gone by in a flash, where do the days go? I did another coffee morning for the Novel Racers last Friday which is my excuse for not posting here.
Now I won hands down last week but it was a rather hollow victory as JJ has been in England looking after her parents, and she may still be there. Where are you JJ?
Anyway my words for last week a reasonable but not spectacular 2800. This gets me over the 70000 mark so I really feel as if I am on the home stretch.
Just a few more weeks and I will have the Holy Grail, a first draft of my first novel woopee!!!!!!
There's no stopping me now, but a few cheers along the way will still be very welcome.


DJ Kirkby said...

I'm cheering! Listen for the Canadian accent, that'll be my voice.

jackie said...

I'm whistlling, shouting, cheering you on too!!! Doubt if you'll hear my deep Lancashire accent from the depths of the Deux Sevres. Gorgeous weather here, hope it is with you too lol!!!!